2 D Echo with Colour Droppler

2 D Echo with Colour Droppler
A 2-D (or two-dimensional) echocardiogram is capable of displaying a cross-sectional “slice” of the beating heart, including the chambers, valves and the major blood vessels that exit from the left and right ventricle. A Doppler echocardiogram measures the speed and direction of the blood flow within the heart. It screens the four valves for leaks and other abnormalities. By assigning color to the direction of blood flow, (Color Flow Mapping), large areas of blood flow may be studied. These color flow mappings allow abnormal blood flow characteristics to be interpreted by the cardiologist.
Following are some frequently asked questions about the test and how to prepare for it. Click on the question for the answer, which will appear below the questions.
What Will Happen During The Test?
The test will take about 45 minutes. You will be asked to remove your shirt or blouse and put on a gown or a sheet to keep you comfortable and maintain privacy. After lying on an examination table, the technician will apply a colorless gel to your chest. The transducer will be moved back and forth across your chest to obtain several views of your heart. You may be asked to move from your back and to the side. Instructions may also be given for you to breathe slowly or to hold your breath. This helps in obtaining higher quality pictures. With Doppler echocardiograms, as the transducer moves over your heart, you will hear a “whooshing” sound, much like that of a washing machine. This sound relates to the movement of blood within your heart chambers.
The images are constantly viewed on the monitor and recorded for a permanent record of the examination. This is reviewed by the physician prior to completion of the final report.
What Is The Preparation For The Test?
Other than wearing loose-fitting clothing, there are no special restrictions or preparation prior to a 2-D Doppler echocardiogram. Although the gel is water soluble and should not stain; it is messy and could get on your clothing so please be aware and dress appropriately.
What Should I Bring With Me For The Echocardiogram?
- Insurance Card
- Referral for Echo if required by your insurance company
- Previous echocardiogram if from outside facility.