Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Comprehensive Recovery Program
Cardiac Rehabilitation
The goals of cardiac rehabilitation or cardiac rehab is to help you regain strength, to control your risk factors, to prevent your condition from worsening and to reduce your risk of future heart problems.
There are typically 4 phases and 4 components in a cardiac rehab program:
Phase 1 – guidance and counseling during hospitalization (the rehab team will meet you and provide clarification about your health condition)
Phase 2 – monitoring and support during the recovery period (which might be just a few days for a stent procedure and about 6 weeks for bypass surgery)
Phase 3 – supervised exercise cum education sessions (where you will attend two or three sessions a week for 6-12 weeks at Cardiac Wellness Institute)
Phase 4 – maintenance and follow-up (you will continue the lifestyle changes at home and visit the rehab centre periodically)
During the rehab program, you will be clinically evaluated and then guided through a series of sessions involving various components of exercise, an appropriate nutritional plan, stress management techniques and professional counseling People of all ages can participate in a cardiac rehab program, which is nothing but a medically supervised road to recovery and lifelong health. It is the only scientifically proven method to control and even reverse heart disease. Your cardiac rehab team will work closely with your cardiologist and other physicians to help you derive the maximum benefits from the program.

Benefits of cardiac rehabilitation.
Cardiac rehab has several benefits for the individual as well as for the family members and caregivers. By giving some time and thought to your rehab program, you will enjoy freedom from symptoms, higher energy levels, ability to control your risk factors, better understanding of your health condition, healthy food choices, better sleep and mental relaxation, all within a few sessions of starting the program.